
Please send your slides in PDF- or PS-Format to Matthias Daum, soon.

The written reports have to be handed in electronically til 28-10-2005 at 4pm sharp. Please send the report in PDF- or PS-Format to the address above.

Date Topic Student Slides Report
27-9-2005 Introduction into FlexRay Peter Böhm [PDF] [PDF]
27-9-2005 FlexRay: Coding and Decoding, Media Access Contol,
Frame and Symbol Processing
Michael Gerke [PDF] [PDF]
28-9-2005 FlexRay: Wakeup and Startup Sergii Kosov [PDF] [PDF]
28-9-2005 Introduction into TTA Peter Böhm [PDF] [PDF]
29-9-2005 Verification of the Membership Algorithm and
Integration with Clock Synchronization
Cosmin Condea [PDF]
7-10-2005 Verification of Clock Synchronization Algorithms
(Original Welch-Lynch Algorithm and adoption to TTA)
Christian Müller [PDF] [PDF]
14-10-2005 A Formal Model for Coding and Decoding in FlexRay Michael Gerke [PDF] [PDF]
21-10-2005 A Formal Model for Media Access Control and
Frame and Symbol Processing in FlexRay
Peter Böhm [PDF] [PDF]