Title: | On the Complexity of Booth Recoding |
Links: | Document as PDF |
Authors: | Daniel Kröning EMail |
Wolfgang Paul EMail | |
Wolfgang Paul EMail | |
Peter Michael Seidel EMail | |
Remarks: | |
Topics: | Sched , FPU |
@inproceedings{kp01, AUTHOR = { Kröning, Daniel and Paul, Wolfgang and Paul, Wolfgang and Seidel, Peter Michael }, TITLE = { On the Complexity of Booth Recoding }, BOOKTITLE = { Proceedings of the 3rd conference on Real Numbers and Computers (RNC3) }, YEAR = { 1998 }, PUBLISHER = { ACM Press }, PAGES = { 199-218 }, ISBN = { 1-58113-297-2 }, VOLUME = { 3 }, }
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Last modified on Sep 25, 2000 by Daniel Kröning.