Title: | A Relational Database System for the SB-PRAM; Concurrency Control and TPC-B (in german) |
Links: | Document as Postscript |
Authors: | Christian Jacobi EMail |
Remarks: | |
Topics: | Systems |
@masterthesis{jacobi_master, AUTHOR = { Jacobi, Christian }, TITLE = { A Relational Database System for the {SB-PRAM}; Concurrency Control and {TPC-B} (in german) }, NOTE = { Available at http://www-wjp.cs.uni-sb.de/\~{}cj/diplom.ps.gz }, YEAR = { 1999 }, SCHOOL = { Saarland University, Computer Science Department, Germany }, }
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Last modified on Sep 25, 2000 by Daniel Kröning.