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Ihre Anfrage lieferte 54 Ergebnisse. |
Daum, Matthias |
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On the Formal Foundation of a Verification Approach for System-Level Concurrent Programs. |
Dissertation, Saarland University, Saarbrücken, 2010. |
Note: You can find the corresponding theory files in release vlibvamos-trunk-r31570.tar.gz (5.2M) of the Verisoft Repository. |
Tverdyshev, Sergey |
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Formal Verification of Gate-Level Computer Systems. |
Dissertation, Saarland University, Computer Science Department, 2009. |
Alkassar, Eyad |
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OS Verication Extended - On the Formal Verication of Device Drivers and the Correctness of Client/Server Software. |
Dissertation, University of Saarland, 2009. |
In der Rieden, Thomas |
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Verified Linking for Modular Kernel Verification. |
Dissertation, Saarland University, Saarbrücken, 2009. |
Tsyban, Alexandra |
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Formal Verification of a Framework for Microkernel Programmers. |
Dissertation, Saarland University, Saarbrücken, 2009. |
Alekhin, Artem |
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The VAMP Memory Unit: Hardware Design and Formal Verification Effort. |
Masterarbeit, Saarland University, 2009. |
Kovalev, Mikhail |
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Integrating a Verified Compiler and a Verified Garbage Collector. |
Masterarbeit, Saarland University, 2009. |
Leinenbach, Dirk |
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Compiler Verification in the Context of Pervasive System Verification. |
Dissertation, Saarland University, Saarbrücken, 2008. |
Bogan, Sebastian |
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Formal Specification of a Simple Operating System. |
Dissertation, Saarland University, Saarbrücken, 2008. |
Knapp, Steffen |
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The Correctness of a Distributed Real-Time System. |
Doktorarbeit, Universität des Saarlandes, 2008. |