Institut für Rechnerarchitektur
und Parallelrechner
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Ihre Anfrage lieferte 223 Ergebnisse.

Paul, W.J. and Scheerer, D.   BibTeX
The Datis-P Parallel Machine.
In Proc. 24th Annual Hawaii Int. Conf. on Syst. Sci. (HICSS-24),
pages 560--571, 1991.
Abolhassan, F. and Keller, J. and Paul, W.J.   BibTeX
On the Cost-Effectiveness and Realization of the theoretical PRAM Model.
volume 09/91 of SFB-Report, 1991.
Gergen, A. and Grün, T. and Mörsdorf, T. and Paul, W.J. and Sauermann, J.   BibTeX
A VMEbus-Interface for the VBN.
In Proc. 7th European Broadband Network Users Group,
pages 213--214, 1990.
Bergmann, P. and Keller, J. and Paul, W.J.   BibTeX
A Self-Organizing System for Image Recognition.
In Proc. IASTED Intern. Symp. Machine Learning and Neural Networks,
New York
pages 33--36, ACTA Press, 1990.
Abolhassan, F. and Keller, J. and Paul, W.J.   BibTeX
Überblick über PRAM-Simulationen und ihre Realisierbarkeit.
In T. Härder and H.Wedekind and G. Zimmermann , editors, Entwurf und Betrieb Verteilter Systeme. Proc. Fachtagung der SFBs 124 und 128,
volume 256 of Informatik Fachberichte, pages 15-39, Springer, 1990.
Müller, S.M. and Paul, W.J.   BibTeX
Towards a Formal Theory of Computer Architecture.
In Proc. Parcella 90,
volume 2 of Research in Informatics, pages 157--169, Akademie Verlag, 1990.
Paul, W.J.   BibTeX
Parallelrechner aus wissenschaftlicher und kommerzieller Sicht. Architektur von Rechensystemen..
In 11.ITG/GI-Fachtagung Architektur von Rechensystemen (ARCS),
pages 139--145, VDE Verlag, 1990.
Müller, S.M. and Paul, W.J.   BibTeX
Contributions of Theoretical Computer Science, Applied Computer Science and Numerical Mathematics to the Design of Parallel Computers.
In Proc. IFIP 11th World Computer Congress,
San Francisco, Ca.
pages 459--460, 1989.
Mehlhorn, K. and Paul, W.J.   EE BibTeX
Two Versus One Index Register and Modifiable Versus Non-Modifiable Programs.
In Proc. 16th ICALP,
Stresa, Italy
volume 372 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 603--609, Springer Verlag, 1989.
Bergmann, P. and Paul, W.J. and Thiele, L.   BibTeX
An Information Theoretic Approach to Computer Vision.
In Ebeling and Peschel , editors, Dynamical Networks,
pages 52--58, Akademie Verlag Berlin, 1989.
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