Institut für Rechnerarchitektur
und Parallelrechner
Dr. Christoph Baumann
Universität des Saarlandes   Gebäude E1 3
FR 6.2 Informatik   Raum 318
Postfach 151150   Tel: +49 (0)681 302-5557
D-66041 Saarbrücken   Fax: +49 (0)681 302-4290
Germany   eMail:
1985 geboren in Erfurt
2003 Abitur am Martin-Luther-Gymnasium in Erfurt
2003 - 2008 Studium der Computer- und Kommunikationstechnik an der Universität des Saarlandes
2008 Diplom in Computer- und Kommunikationstechnik
2008 - 2010 Mitarbeit im Verisoft XT Projekt (Avionics Teilprojekt)
2010 - 2014 Promotion
Hardware Design and Verification
Formal Specification of Modern Processors
Formal Verification of Real-World Operating Systems
Private Homepage
Paul, W.J. and Baumann, C. and Lutsyk, P. and Schmaltz, S. and Oberhauser, J.     BibTeX
System Architecture as an Ordinary Engineering Discipline.
Springer, 2016.
Baumann, Christoph   BibTeX
Ownership-Based Order Reduction and Simulation in Shared-Memory Concurrent Computer Systems.
Dissertation, Saarland University, Saarbrücken, 2014.
Note: see also list of known errors
Baumann, Christoph   BibTeX
Reordering and Simulation in Concurrent Systems.
Saarland University, Saarbrücken
Note: obsolete technical report, cf. phd thesis
Baumann, Christoph and Beckert, Bernhard and Blasum, Holger and Bormer, Thorsten   EE BibTeX
Lessons Learned From Microkernel Verification --- Specification is the New Bottleneck.
In Cassez, Franck and Huuck, Ralf and Klein, Gerwin and Schlich, Bastian, editors, Proceedings Seventh Conference on Systems Software Verification, Sydney, Australia, 28-30 November 2012,
volume 102 of Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science, pages 18-32, Open Publishing Association, 2012.
Baumann, C. and Blasum, H. and Bormer, T. and Tverdyshev, S.   BibTeX
Proving Memory Separation in a Microkernel by Code Level Verification.
In Wilfried Steiner and Roman Obermaisser, editors, 1st International Workshop on Architectures and Applications for Mixed-Criticality Systems (AMICS 2011),
Newport Beach, CA, USA
IEEE Computer Society, 2011.
Note: Verified Code Sources:
Baumann, C. and Beckert, B. and Blasum, H. and Bormer, T.   BibTeX
Ingredients of Operating System Correctness.
In Sturm, M., editors, embedded world 2010 proceedings & conference materials ,
Nuremberg, Germany
ISBN 978-3-7723-1012
Baumann, C. and Beckert, B. and Blasum, H. and Bormer, T.   BibTeX
Better Avionics Software Reliability by Code Verification.
In Sturm, M., editors, embedded world 2009 proceedings & conference materials ,
Nuremberg, Germany
ISBN 978-3-7723-3798
Baumann, C. and Bormer, T. EE BibTeX
Verifying the PikeOS Microkernel: First Results in the Verisoft XT Avionics Project.
In Huuck, R. and Klein, G. and Schlich, B., editors, Doctoral Symposium on Systems Software Verification (DS SSV'09) ,
Aachen, Germany
volume AIB-2009-14 of Aachener Informatik Berichte, pages 20-22, RWTH Aachen University, 2009.
Note: ISSN 0935-3232
Baumann, C. and Beckert, B. and Blasum, H. and Bormer, T.   EE BibTeX
Formal Verification of a Microkernel Used in Dependable Software Systems.
In Buth, Bettina; Rabe, Gerd; Seyfarth, Till , editors, Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security (Safecomp 2009),
volume 5775 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 187-200, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2009.
ISBN 978-3-642-04467
Baumann, Christoph   BibTeX
Formal Specification of the x87 Floating-Point Instruction Set.
Diplomarbeit, Saarland University, 2008.