Institut für Rechnerarchitektur
und Parallelrechner
Computer Architecture 2
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In this class we treat three subjects

1) Floating-Point Units:
We formalize the IEEE floating point standard and develop an appropriate theory of rounding. Then we proceed to construct a dual precision floating point unit and prove that it is fully compatible with the IEEE standard.

2) Interfaces for Real Time Busses:
We define the protocol of a real time bus similar to the FlexRay bus used in the German automotive industry. Because different control units on such a bus have oszillators with almost but not completely equal frequency the construction of interfaces for such busses is far from trivial. In particular one has to construct serial interfaces for the transmission of messages across clock domains, one has to implement clock synchronisation for the timers in different interfaces and one has to show the absence of bus contention on the bus, that is shared by interfaces from different clock domains.

3) Pipelined Multi-Processors:
We extend the pipelined MIPS processor from Computer Architecture I with a store buffer, a memory-management unit, and an interrupt mechanism. If time is left we will integrate several pipelined processors with the shared memory construction, obtaining a pipelined multi-processor implementation.

Being familiar with the content of last semester's computer architecture I lecture is clearly helpful but not strictly necessary.
Organizational information
  • Lectures will be held on Tuesday, 16-18h and Thursday, 16-18h in Lecture Hall III of building E1.3. First lecture: 15th Oct 2013
  • Registration for the lecture is mandatory and open until the 5th November (see link above)
  • Also register for the exam in the HISPOS system!
  • Every Tuesday an exercise sheet will be handed out. There will be 12 exercise sheets in total.
  • We will offer a weekly tutorial covering the lecture and exercise sheets. Its date is to be determined in the first lecture.
  • The tutorial takes place Thursday, 12:00-13:30 in E1.3 SR 3.28. First tutorial: 24th Oct 2013
  • Exam Prerequisites:
    In order to be admitted to the exam you have to achieve 50% of all exercise points.
    In addition each student has to present at least two exercise solutions in the tutorial.
  • Exam:
    You have to pass one oral exam. The date of the exam will be fixed in class.
  • Registration is online now and open until Nov 5th. Do not forget to register in HISPOS as well!