Institut für Rechnerarchitektur
und Parallelrechner
zu den Examensarbeiten
Ihre Anfrage lieferte 45 Ergebnisse.

Paul, W.J.   EE BibTeX
On Heads Versus Tapes.
In Proc. 22nd IEEE-FOCS,
Nashville, Tennessee
pages 68--73, 1981.
Galil, Z. and Paul, W.J.   EE BibTeX
An Efficient General Purpose Parallel Computer.
In Proc. 13th ACM-STOC ,
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
pages 247--262, 1981.
Paul, W.J. and Reischuk, R.   EE BibTeX
On Alternation II.
volume 14 of Acta Informatica 1980, pages 391--403, 1980.
Paul, W.J. and Seiferas, J. and Simon, J.   EE BibTeX
An Information Theoretic Approach to Time Bounds for On-line Computations.
In Proc. 12th ACM-STOC,
Los Angeles, California
pages 357--367, 1980.
Paul, W.J. and Tarjan, R.E.   EE BibTeX
Time-Space Trade-Offs in a Pebble Game.
volume 10 of Acta Informatica 1978, pages 111--115, 1978.
Paul, W.J.   EE BibTeX
On Time Hierarchies.
In Proc. 9th ACM-STOC 1977,
Boulder, Colorado
pages 218--222, 1977.
Hopcroft, J.E. and Paul, W.J. and Valiant L.G.   EE BibTeX
On Time Versus Space.
volume 24 of J. ACM, pages 332--337, 1977.
Celoni, J. and Paul, W.J. and Tarjan, R.E.   EE BibTeX
Space Bounds for a Game on Graphs.
volume 10 of Math. Syst. Theory, pages 239--251, 1977.
Paul, W.J.     BibTeX
In Mathematisches Vorsemester,
pages 1--106, 1977.
Celoni, J. and Paul, W.J. and Tarjan, R.E.   EE BibTeX
Space Bounds for a Game on Graphs.
In Proc. 8th ACM-STOC 1976,
Hershey, Pennsylvania
pages 149--160, 1976.
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