all: @echo Please specify valid target. manpage: pod2man mahdlxasm > mahdlxasm.1 install: mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/usr/bin cp -a mahdlxasm $(DESTDIR)/usr/bin clean: rm mahdlxasm.1 # Note on deb target: # Even while you may build a package from any CVS snapshot, make sure # that you update debian/changelog *and* commit before any `real release'. # Packaging is only for mahdlxasm, not for dlxasm... # # TODO check if everything was committed / was up to date wrt to the repository version # TODO check whether there's is a corresponding version entry in ./debian/ deb: DIR=mahdlxasm-`date +%Y%m%d`; \ cvs export -D now -d $${DIR} PVS/software/dlx_rte/dlxasm && \ mkdir tmp && \ mv $${DIR} tmp && \ cd tmp && \ tar -czf $${DIR}.tar.gz $${DIR} && \ cd $${DIR} && \ dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -k400074DA && \ cd .. && \ mv *_*.* .. && \ cd .. && \ rm -rf tmp # takes the current directory and uses it for testing the build process # the ./tmp/ directory is *not* removed for inspection of the build snapshot deb_quicktest: DIR=mahdlxasm-`date +%Y%m%d`; \ mkdir ../$${DIR} && \ rm -rf ../$${DIR}/CVS && \ cp -a . ../$${DIR} && \ mkdir tmp && \ mv ../$${DIR} tmp && \ cd tmp && \ tar -czf $${DIR}.tar.gz $${DIR} && \ cd $${DIR} && \ dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -uc -us