Institute for Computer Architecture
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Your query yielded 40 results.

Tverdyshev, Sergey EE BibTeX
Combination of Isabelle/HOL with Automatic Tools.
In Bernhard Gramlich, editors, FroCoS 2005,
volume 3717 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 302-309, Springer Verlag, 2005.
ISBN 3-540-29051-6
Bach, P. and Bosch, M. and Fischer, J. and Lichtenau, C. and Paul, W.J. and Röhrig, J.   EE BibTeX
Real PRAM Programming.
In Europar 2002,
Paderborn, Germany
volume 2400 of LNCS, Springer, 2002.
Dementiev, R. and Klein, M. and Paul, W.J.   EE BibTeX
Performance of MP3D on the SB-PRAM prototype.
In Europar 2002,
Paderborn, Germany
volume 2400 of LNCS, Springer, 2002.
Abolhassan, F. and Keller, J. and Paul, W.J.   EE BibTeX
On the Cost--Effectiveness of PRAMs.
volume 36 of Acta Informatica, pages 463--487, 1999.
Jacobi, C. and Lichtenau, C.   BibTeX
Highly Concurrent Locking in Shared Memory Database Systems.
In Proc. EuroPar 99,
volume 1685 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Verlag, 1999.
Grün, T. and Rauber, T. and Röhrig, J.     BibTeX
Support for Efficient Programming on the SB-PRAM.
volume 26 No. 3 of Int. Journal of Parallel Programming, pages 209--240, 1998.
Paul, A. and Röhrig, J.   BibTeX
Implementing a Parallel List on the SB-PRAM.
In Proc. 5th International Conference on High Perfomrance Computing HiPC'98,
Grün, T. and Hillebrand, M.A. EE BibTeX
NAS Integer Sort on Multi-threaded Shared Memory Machines.
In Proc. EuroPar 98,
volume 1470 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Verlag, 1998.
Formella, A. and Grün, T. and Keller, J. and Paul, W.J. and Rauber, T   BibTeX
Scientific Applications on the SB-PRAM.
In Karsch, F. and Monien, B. and Satz, H., editors, Proceedings of the International Conference 'Multiscale Phenomena and Their Simulation',
World Scientific Publishers, 1997.
Bach, P. and Braun, M. and Formella, A. and Friedrich, J. and Grün, T. and Lichtenau, C.   BibTeX
Building the 4 Processor SB-PRAM Prototype.
In Proceedings of the Hawaii 30th International Symposium on System Science HICSS-30,
pages 14--23, 1997.